Fabio Fioravanti


As co-founder of MEDarchiver and Health Robotics (now Omnicell Inc.), Mr. Fioravanti has been in the field of Healthcare Communication Systems and Technology for 25 years.

Past Managing Director for R&D and Operations at Health-Robotics, overseeing worldwide manufacturing, quality, installation, R&D, interoperability, and maintenance operations, he is currently CEO of MEDarchiver and Generation Byte. At the University of Trieste he received his Master Degree in Electronic Engineering with a specialization in Biomedical Engineering and a PhD in Information Engineering. He received an Executive Education Certificate from the Massachusset's Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management in Innovation of Products and Services - Design Thinking, and a II Level Master's Degree in Machine Learning from the University of Padova.

For several years he worked as a consultant for leading national and international companies in the Healthcare Information & Communication Technology (HICT).
As a member (1992-1998) of the National Bioengineering Group of the National Council of Research (CNR), he was a researcher in the field of High Resolution Video-oculometry and on the neurophysiology of the oculomotor system.

From 1997 to 2003 he was a professor of Communication Systems and Technologies at the University of Trieste, where he was also a Lecturer of Hospital Information Systems at the post-lauream School of Clinical Engineering, and a teacher of C++ programming language. He was also Researcher at the Research Center on Biomedical Technologies (CRSTBS) of the Area Science Park of Trieste and partecipated to research projects for the Italian Ministry of Health and European Community.

In addition to his research activity, Mr. Fioravanti has published numerous scientific papers in national and international peer reviewed journals, he was a supervisor of several Master theses, and he is an inventor of several patents in the field of automation and mechatronics..